Monday, November 8, 2010

Do NOT judge this blog by the content!

I received an email the other day and it was from someone who had to hide their name and pretend to be invisible. Before I post an excerpt from that email it should be clearly understood that this blog is not pro or anti war. I developed this blog to highlight the actors that are veterans of our military who after serving continued to service their country by acting and providing us with great entertainment whether it be in making war movies, westerns, or police dramas or whatever. This is for them.

"The quote"
"I decided to click the blog link at the top of my blog and low and behold you were the first blog to appear. Though I admit that there are some great war movies your blog is nothing more than an advert supporting war and promoting military action. This sucks and you in-turn you suck as well. You have taken great actors and culled their military experience and ignored everything else making these great people nothing more than fodder for your silliness and making them look like warmongers."

So, I suck and the actors are warmongers. The fact is that war is part of our lives as Americans. We went to war to free us of the oppressive Kings of England during the Revolution and the War of 1812. We went to war with our own states over States Rights. We went to war with Spain over Cuba. We went to war with Germany in 1917 during WWI and then again in 1941 with Germany and Japan. We committed to a Police Action in 1950 and then again in 1961 which led to the Vietnam conflict in 1964. We went to Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1989. In 1991 we went to war to remove Iraq from Kuwait and a portion of Saudi Arabia. In October of 2001 we went into Afghanistan and then proceeded to Iraq (good or bad). If you look at what we have done war wise you can see pattern. The pattern I see is the US removing the scum of the earth or attempting to, while others see it differently.

Again, the goal of this blog is to highlight the actors and actresses that served our country and to showcase those movies and shows that they made to entertain us.

Dave Matteson 

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